Bend all bend lines to the angle written on the part.
Do the same on the other side.
Get the axle tube lengths. If it is a centered pinion take the overall axle length from housing end to housing end. Divide that number 2 and subtract the width of the housing end. Take that number and measure from pinion center and make a mark on the table. If your pinion needs to be offset you must account for that.
tube measure 1.jpg
Next measure from the inside of the notch to the line you drew earlier and write down that measurement, the is the tube length you need on that side. Repeat for the other side.
On a flat surface tack the inner support to the end of the tube. press all studs into the faceplate facing forward. Now is the time to install your housing Jig. Slide the tube into the notch on the faceplate until it stops and the inner support should touch evenly on each side. Tack in place
tube placement.jpg
plate placement.jpg
Keep jig in until all of the outside welding is complete. Remove jig to weld the inner support to the inside of the housing cover.